Neil Fine, Ottawa Audiologist and Owner of Hear Fine

Neil Fine – Owner, B.Sc., M.Cl.Sc., Aud (C), Reg.CASLPO, Audiologist


Neil Fine, Owner

Born and raised in Ottawa, Neil knew from a young age that audiology was the profession he wanted to be affiliated with. His desire was shaped with a history of friends and family who suffer from hearing loss in addition to his own experience with recurrent ear infections as a child.

Seeing family members negatively impacted and witnessing the types of repercussions hearing loss can produce, such as depression and the breakdown of communication between loved ones, solidified his goal to become an audiologist.

He is happy to be servicing the Ottawa community he grew up in by delivering impeccable care through hearing aids, hearing tests, hearing protection, and all other forms of hearing related issues.


  • Bachelors of Science (B.Sc) with honours in Human Kinetics from The University of Ottawa in 2007. Graduated with Magna Cum Laude.

  • Masters of Clinical Science (M.Cl.Sc) from Western University in 2010.

  • Registered with SAC by passing their nationwide exam. Certification with SAC is the highest professional standard

  • Dean’s Honours list for all 7 years of his post-secondary education, accompanied by scholarships and bursaries





Family History in Ottawa

Linen Corner exterior


1947-Mollie and Natal Fine (with later co-owner and son Jeffrey Fine) offer the finest linens to the Ottawa area.

Portrait of Harry Fine and his wife


1955-Harry Fine opens Fine’s Flowers and begins catering to Ottawa’s floral needs with the freshest quality flowers.

Portrait of Julie Fine


2001-Julie Fine offers personal training services to all ages including a specialized interest in catering to seniors.

Portrait of Neil Fine, Owner of Hear Fine


2013-Neil Fine opens Hear Fine to offer solutions to every condition related to the ear. A solution to be found for all.



We are here to instill confidence for those who suffer the emotional tolls from hearing loss – to improve quality of life through communication. We listen, and every hearing aid is tailored to an individual to meet their unique lifestyle. Contact us, as we look forward to helping you address your hearing needs. 


Trusted Partners of Hear Fine